Elder Law

Healthcare Directive Law NJ

Understanding Healthcare Directives: Protect Your Medical Wishes

A healthcare directive is a legal document that outlines your medical treatment preferences if you are incapacitated and are unable to communicate these preferences. It includes instructions on critical medical care decisions such as life support and resuscitation. It also allows you to appoint a healthcare proxy to carry out these instructions on your behalf. […]

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Elder Law Attorney NJ

Planning for Long-Term Care: Elder Law

As we age, planning for long-term care becomes increasingly important. This preparation can help ensure that you or your loved ones receive the necessary care with set financial allocations. Long-term care encompasses a range of services designed to meet the medical and non-medical needs of individuals with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or other conditions that limit

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Estate Planning Lawyers Manalapan NJ

Medicaid and Estate Planning

A significant concern for people over 65 while planning their estate is accounting for their long-term care needs. Long term care includes the services necessary to meet health or personal care needs over an extended period, including medical and non-medical care for people with a chronic illness or disability.  Medicaid can provide its applicants with

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