Personal Injury Attorney Jersey City, NJ

If you have been injured due to an act of violence or negligence? At UBFK Law located near Jersey City, NJ, we can assist you in getting the most out of personal injury claims and ensure that you are compensated. We understand that these situations can often put added stress into your daily lifestyle and can also impact your well-being.
When should you consult with a personal injury attorney?
- If you were recently involved in a car accident, injuries from hazardous activities, slip and fall injuries, injuries caused by animals, and mental stress injuries are all eligible for compensation.
- Long term injuries or injuries that last more than a year to permanently disabled clients.
- Insurance companies dispute liabilities where the client has no proof of the accident.
- Insurance companies disputed liability where the company refuses to pay any amount in the final settlement statement.
At UBFK Law near Jersey City, NJ, we value our clients well-being over anything else. We know that going through these issues can be complicated and stressful, therefore we are here to provide you with the skills and experience to negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and will fight up till the day of the trial if necessary. We are just as serious about your dispute as you are!
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