Understanding Healthcare Directives: Protect Your Medical Wishes

Healthcare Directive Law NJ

A healthcare directive is a legal document that outlines your medical treatment preferences if you are incapacitated and are unable to communicate these preferences. It includes instructions on critical medical care decisions such as life support and resuscitation. It also allows you to appoint a healthcare proxy to carry out these instructions on your behalf.

Why is a Healthcare Directive Important?

Without a healthcare directive in place, your medical decisions will be left to your doctors orfamily  members. Their decisions may not align with your wishes. A healthcare directive ensures:

  • Control over your medical care
  • Reduced burden on loved ones
  • Prevention of conflicts among family members
  • Guidance on your care based on your values and beliefs

When Does it Take Effect?

A healthcare directive takes effect when you are incapacitated and unable to communicate your medical preferences. This could be due to an illness, injury, or a debilitating condition. Until then, you remain in control of your healthcare decisions.

Keep it Updated

It is important to review and update your healthcare directive regularly as your life circumstances, condition of health, or medical preferences may change. An outdated document may not accurately reflect your current wishes. This could lead to confusion or complications down the line.

Protect Your Medical Wishes

If you haven’t yet created a healthcare directive, now is the time to consider this essential part of your estate plan. Look no further than our experienced Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning attorney, Shira Frackt, Esq. to guide you through the process. Contact UBFK Law today to get started and take charge of your future healthcare decisions.

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